Monday, April 30, 2007

Stupidly Indisputable

Debería, pero no puedo...o no quiero - Cualquier opción sería políticamente incorrecta - Si ni siquiera me gusta la política - Debería decir humanamente predecible - Hipotéticamente razonable incluso - Hoy no quiero colores - Me quedo en blanco y negro - Sé que me pierdo - Sé que quiero perderme - Sé mejor de lo que mi conciencia cree, las consecuencias de mi estupidez - Hoy no quiero ver las cosas desde abajo - Prefiero estar ciego frente a la mirada de los DEBERÍA - Inútiles y vacíos, al menos hoy - De los libros hoy no quiero, ni pretendo escuchar nada - Me quedo con los estantes vacíos - Forzadamente intolerable - Deliberadamente resistible - no debería, pero corro en dirección opuesta - Pisaría el tiempo - Rompería la escala métrica o cualquier otra escala de medición - Tranquilamente espero la tormenta - No me importa cualquier otra catástrofe apocalíptica - Desinteresadamente obsoleto - Intuitivamente perdido entre los hechos -Debería, pero no quiero.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Sinking in oceans of perceptions

Waves of memories that come and go

In the most impatient tides

Roaring at the fallen leaves as they blend in the solace of my mind

Fearful to be forgotten

Grateful to be taken in


I dreamt I was a God
I dreamt I had the power to create
I dreamt I had the power to destroy
I understood
I dreamt I was human


Dreaming of the thickest skies among waves
Past the lighthouse drowning thoughts
Escaping ideas in the shape of birds
Forming flocks, flying away with the wind

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


You're breaking diamonds again
You're breaking hearts for your dismay
And beauty lies in it
And your lips let on the light
Glaring down on our envious eyes
Let the horses run free
Ride with them through the night
Ride on
Ride on
Through your wildest dreams

Thursday, April 19, 2007


The river calls your name
And you listen
But they do not understand
So you try and hold yourself back
For a while
To make them happy
Well, not to increase the pain
At the expense of your own sanity
Of your own happyness
The river calls you
And you listen
And you write about your imaginary lives
About how it would be if you were to be set free
Imprisoned by your humanity long stolen from you
By doctors
By those you hold dearly
By those who do not understand
Selfishness is blinding
A puppet for their private show you become
In a theatre that becomes your prison
Your own house, not London
A doll deprived of self voice
But they can`t take away your thoughts
They are yours and your only
No matter how dark and twisted
No matter how hopeful and moral
The river calls for you
And you invite its waters in